The tab "Payments" lists the payments received via the payment methods available on the website: PayPal and Mangopay (depending on the methods activated). Both PayPal and Mangopay provide several electronic payment options: credit card, bank card, bank transfer, etc.

Refunds can only be made via the Delcampe website if the payment was made using one of the methods linked to Mangopay and only within two months of receipt of the payment.

On Delcampe, you can refund the entire payment received or a smaller amount for a partial refund. Note that the minimum refund amount cannot be less than 10 cents (all currencies included).

If you don't have a sufficient balance on your account for the refund you want to make, you will first have to credit it. For more information, go to the article "Credit my balance".

The procedure described below only applies in the following cases:

-you are a professional seller in the EU, your buyer in the UK has paid the import charges via Delcampe and you want to proceed to a refund (partial or full) of this purchase;

- you are a professional seller outside the EU, your buyer located in the EU has paid the import fees via Delcampe  and you want to proceed to a refund (partial or full) of this purchase.

If you are in one of the above-mentioned cases, and you need to refund a payment (partially or fully), you have to cancel the sale(s) before you can make the refund.

Warning: if you are a professional seller but your buyer has not paid the import fees via Delcampe, please refer to the article "How do I refund my buyer ?"

To proceed to the refund of a payment that included import fees

  1. Go to "Payments: History"
  2. Click on "Refund" next to the transaction in question
  3. A new page opens.
    This is the sales cancellation page.
  4. Select the sale(s) that you want to cancel.
  5. Selection whether or not the refund is combined with the return of the item(s)
  6. Give a "comment only" (which means a neutral feedback) or a negative feedback (0% or 25%) through the scroll-down menu and enter a feedback comment
  7. Enter the reason for your cancellation request
  8. The total amount that will be refunded will be directly displayed. Click on "Confirm the request"
  9. A confirmation message will be displayed. Your buyer is refunded the amount that was indicated and your refund will appear on the "Payments: History" page 

Warning: In the case of a full refund, your buyer will receive back the total price of the items purchased, the shipping costs and the import fees he paid. However, in the case of a partial refund, your buyer will get back the price of the refunded items, the import fees will be refunded pro rata, the shipping fees and the administrative fees paid will not be refunded.